Set Aside Your Money to Help Others Who Are In Need!
Help others who need your help, make others happy with your help, show your kindness to others, always contribute to spreading goodness in this world! Lets make a change!
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Heartwarming Stories
Here are some heartwarming stories of those who were helped
Frequently Asked Questions
Find useful information for you, and find out more about us
What currency used on the Cloud donation website?
Why do you have to make a donation at The Cloud Donation?
Can I make a donation campaign?
How do I make my own campaign?
Do I have to pay if I want to make my own donation campaign?
After my campaign is finished where will the funds be transferred?
How do I withdraw my e-money balance?
How do I donate?
What is e-money?
Can I deposit to get my e-money balance?
How do I get an e-money balance?
Can I donate using the e-money balance I have?
Can I deactivate my account?
Can I create a campaign without having to register first?
What is an exclusive campaign?
What are the Exclusive Campaign Rewards?
If I donate in the exclusive campaign but do not use the registered account, can I have the opportunity to get a reward?
If I transact or donate can I see my transaction history?